ALRIGHT FRIENDS!! I have some big news. I wanted to create something, just for you. And, since I know you’re busy and sometimes just don’t have time to plan out your meals, I thought I’d do some of the leg work.
One thing that I hear from you guys is that you struggle with mealtime a lot! And, I totally get it. Some of you are students, working full time, and/or are busy parents that are busy feeding someone else and forget about yourself. I thought maybe the best thing I could do to better serve YOU is to plan out an easy week of meals.
I created a FREE ebook called “ain’t nobody got time for that: a week of easy eats” and I’m planning out a week’s worth of meals: breakfast through dessert and snacking in between. It’s super simple, super straightforward, partial meal prep, partial real life cooking! Plus, there’s a shopping list included! I wanted to take one thing off your plate (ha!) so you can focus your energy on other things.
Get your FREE Easy Eats ebook below. Hope you guys love this week of easy eats!! xo
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